
It’s not a foregone conclusion that this is how our story will end.
Foolishly, we allowed stagnation to become the norm.
Senselessly, we permitted silence to become our governing body.
Instinctively, we hurried to react.
Defensively, we were quick to shift blame.
But, perhaps, with a lot of work and a little bit of luck, we still have many more chapters to compose together.
When phone-illuminating text messages induced annoyance rather than pleasure, I began to worry for our future.
When time together began to feel like a chore rather than an anticipated diversion, I feared the direction we were heading.
When conversations started feeling artificial and stale rather than raw and refreshing, my body began to shake.

As I idly watch our marriage disintegrate, I pray to God, asking for guidance, direction, and something undiscovered.
 For when I see you less, I miss your smile.
For when I hear you less, I yearn for your laugh.
For when you are not near, I feel lost. 
For when you are not here, I am incomplete.
Can our love’s embers be rekindled?
Do we have the elements to make this candle sing once again?
Or have these ashes permanently chilled?

Aligned faith, effort, and love.

Written in 2022

Copyright, The Poetry of Bryan Buser


53 Hours